Keto diet for weight loss

Keto diet for weight loss: promotion or real results?


Keto diet has become one of the most popular weight-loss strategies for good reasons! It is a high fat, low-carb, medium-protein scheme that pushes your body into ketosis, where it burns fat for fuel rather than carbs.


Why Keto works:


By cutting the carbs for 20-50g per day, your body switchs from using glucose to burning stored fat. This leads to quick fat loss, low cravings, and stable energy levels.


Keto-friendly foods:


Healthy Fat: Avocado, Ghee, Olive Oil, Nut

Protein: chicken, eggs, fish, cheese

Low-carb veggies: broccoli, spinach, zucchini


To avoid foods:


Chinese and dessert

Cereals and bread

Starchy veggies like potatoes


Is Keto right for you?


While keto helps in rapid weight loss, it is not a shape-fit. Careful plans are required to avoid nutrient deficiency and side effects of nutrients such as keto flu.


Want to start keto correctly with expert guidance and balanced diet plans? Download the Fitoja App and Kickstart Your Weight Loss Tour today!

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